Government’s Road Safety Framework for Wales – July 2013
Complaints were made to the Government over its failure to include horses and riders within the group of vulnerable road users in its draft version of the Road Safety Framework for Wales.
In response the Government has added horses and their riders to said group. The Road and Safety Framework for Wales was published this month.
The section on horses and riders states:
71. Horses and their riders (as well as carriage drivers) are vulnerable on the road network. A collision between a horse and a vehicle can have life threatening consequences for the horse, rider and those in a vehicle.
72. There is evidence to suggest that the number of road traffic collisions involving horses is underreported in casualty data.
73. Horse riding is more prevalent (particularly on roads) in certain parts of the country. Rural areas have larger numbers of horse riders, who make a significant contribution to the rural economy.
We will:
- Work with representatives of the horse riding community to understand their road safety concerns and facilitate engagement with other partners.
We expect partners to:
- Actively engage with the horse riding community and consider whether any road safety interventions should be introduced, where there are significant numbers of horse riders and/or road traffic collision involving horses.”
At HorseSolicitor, as specialists in road traffic accident claims involving horses, we have first hand knowledge of the devastation that can be caused. Rider, horse and driver often sustain life changing injuries.
As equine lawyers we welcome any road safety interventions that will make hacking out safer and more enjoyable for horse and rider.