Assistant Chief Constable warns riders wearing “POLITE” safety clothing risk prosecution
Horse riders that take steps to improve their safety by wearing the “POLITE” high visibility clothing have been warned by the Association of Chief Police Officers that they risk prosecution.
The Assistant Chief Constable has said that horse riders wearing this range of clothing are likely to be mistaken for mounted officers and as such riders are at risk of contravening legislation, namely Section 90 of the Police Act 1996.
As specialists in road traffic accidents involving horses we know all too well the damage that can be caused when vehicles fail to pass horses wide and slow.
At HorseSolicitor, as riders ourselves, and from speaking with clients everyday about road safety, we can safely say that the “POLITE” clothing range does encourage drivers to pass horses safely.
Horse riders are vulnerable road users who should be supported in taking the initiative to increase their safety.
The “POLITE” notices make drivers think twice before speeding past a horse. High visibility clothing that complies with EN471 or EN1150 standards can offer up to 3 seconds more reaction time to drivers. This can make the difference between an accident occurring or not occurring.
At HorseSolicitor we assist clients in re-building their lives following an accident. Road traffic accidents involving horses often have life changing consequences for horse, rider and car driver.
With 3000 road traffic accidents each year involving horses we urge the police to give careful consideration to its stance on this matter. It would be unfortunate for tax payers’ money to be wasted on lengthy litigation to ascertain the courts’ position on road safety.