Horse rider awarded £13,750 following dog attack in country park
HorseSolicitor was instructed to pursue a claim for personal injury following a loose dog spooking our client’s horse.
Our client was riding in a country park when a dog came from a side path and began barking and lunging at her horse. The horse bolted towards a 5 bar gate, shot sideways and our client fell off, hitting the gate on her way to the ground.
Our client sustained a broken arm as a result of the fall.
A claim was brought against the dog’s owner for the damage caused by the dog under the Animals Act 1971 and the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 which makes it a criminal offence to allow a dog to be dangerously out of control. A dog is considered to be out of control for the purposes of the act if it injures a person or their animal. This also applies to a dog who attacks, or threatens to attack a horse.
While liability for the incident was initially denied, witness evidence was obtained and the claim settled without the need to go to court. The claimant got £13,750 in damages.
If you have been involved in a horse riding accident call us now, on 01446 794196, for a free claim evaluation.